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Very nice work ! I like a lot your intrigue generator.
Parabens dum Francês que morou 2 anos no Brasil :)
Glad you liked it!
This looks wonderful, thanks so much! A question about the character sheet though, how to skills work? I don't think I see a spot for them to say if they are trained/specialized etc.
Hi There! Glad you liked it :)
Trained are -1 and Specialized are -2. Just add them on the Passive box.
Oi Diego!
Adorei as fichas! Você tem uma versão em português?
Olá! Que bom que gostou!
Ainda sem PT-BR. Se tiver demanda eu traduzo :)
Seria bacana! Aliás, estava recomendando hoje este hack pra um grupo. ^^
Tem planos de liberar o D-Cypher com uma licença aberta para obras derivadas?
Que legal! Obrigado pela recomendação :)
Não pesquisei como funciona isso junto com a licença do Cypher. Se ele permitir, devo fazer CC by 4.0
Deep Light Games, what does the minus number beside the Skills, Effort and Assets means like,
Skills (-2)
Efforts (-6)
Assets (-2)
What do the (-2), (-6) and (-2) mean?
Each one has a limited number of uses to lower the difficulty.
Skills can apply up to -2 difficulty, Efforts up to -6, Assets up to -2.
Thank you so much for the clarification, Deep Light Games.
I love D-Cypher! I used it for the chassis of my First Responders game and it worked wonderfully.
Glad to know! Enjoy!
Unbelievable. Deep Light Games just went and did it.
They make a concise, approachable straight to the point explanation of Cypher System. Truly an upgrade in every way.
My biggest respect to those mad lads and lassies in Deep Light Games.
I highly recommend D-Cypher if you want to try Cypher System, folks!
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Very nice work ! I like a lot your intrigue generator.
Parabens dum Francês que morou 2 anos no Brasil :)
Glad you liked it!
This looks wonderful, thanks so much! A question about the character sheet though, how to skills work? I don't think I see a spot for them to say if they are trained/specialized etc.
Hi There! Glad you liked it :)
Trained are -1 and Specialized are -2. Just add them on the Passive box.
Oi Diego!
Adorei as fichas! Você tem uma versão em português?
Olá! Que bom que gostou!
Ainda sem PT-BR. Se tiver demanda eu traduzo :)
Seria bacana! Aliás, estava recomendando hoje este hack pra um grupo. ^^
Tem planos de liberar o D-Cypher com uma licença aberta para obras derivadas?
Que legal! Obrigado pela recomendação :)
Não pesquisei como funciona isso junto com a licença do Cypher. Se ele permitir, devo fazer CC by 4.0
Deep Light Games, what does the minus number beside the Skills, Effort and Assets means like,
Skills (-2)
Efforts (-6)
Assets (-2)
What do the (-2), (-6) and (-2) mean?
Each one has a limited number of uses to lower the difficulty.
Skills can apply up to -2 difficulty, Efforts up to -6, Assets up to -2.
Thank you so much for the clarification, Deep Light Games.
I love D-Cypher! I used it for the chassis of my First Responders game and it worked wonderfully.
Glad to know! Enjoy!
Unbelievable. Deep Light Games just went and did it.
They make a concise, approachable straight to the point explanation of Cypher System. Truly an upgrade in every way.
My biggest respect to those mad lads and lassies in Deep Light Games.
I highly recommend D-Cypher if you want to try Cypher System, folks!